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Camberwell MA08

A to Z of Students

Egerod, Cecilie

Cecilie Egerod

"Writing has become a visual language and is no longer merely used to convey the idea of a piece and there will always exist material and intellectual power between the form of language and who controls it."
Morley, S. writing on the wall.

Cecilie Egerod
MA Printmaking (Part-time)

Elliott, Annie

Annie Elliott

The conservation of a C17th Gardening Manual in a way sympathetic to its use in a private collection. This involved evaluating the structure then replacing broken material and repair of fragile pages . This will ensure continued handling of the book. A missing page has been reprinted to complete the volume.

Annie Elliott
MA Conservation (Part-time)

Elmore, Derek

Derek Elmore

Ausin Osman Spare (1886 – 1956) was a visionary artist. Upon working on his paintings for my final project I wanted to stay as close as I could to the ideals of Spare. I endeavoured to carry out as little interventive conservation as possible while still staying true to the philosophy of the artist.

Derek Elmore
MA Conservation

Erek, Sumer

The Newspaper House

Produced by: Creative City (Sumer Erek, Karen Janody and Gillian McIver). Funded by: Arts Council England, Hackney Council Cultural Development Team, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, West Porochial Charity and UnLtd. Supported by: Hackney Cooperative Development, The Learning Trust, Metronet Rail, Project Freesheet, West Hackney Parish, The Paper Trail, Arcadiam Associates, Schenk Perfler Architects and Nature 2 Art.

The notion of 'house' has a special place in my world. It is a roof over one's head, but also a repository for nationhood, identity and belonging. By creating house installations, I not only dwell upon my existence in it, but I also build a 'home' for my art.

Sumer Erek
MA Theory and Practice of Transnational Art

Ershad, Mahjabin

Mahjabin Ershad

I aim to creating movie posters to reflect my understanding of poster design theory over region, period and particular genre. Developing movie posters concentrating on no more then three 20th century historic periods, which will help me to gain a better literal understanding of Visual Culture, mood and themes of the poster.

Mahjabin Ershad
MA Graphic Design

Escay, Katrin Maria

Katrin Maria Escay

My practice involves imprinting the 'act of experience' directly unto the image. I am not concerned with why something takes place or what happens, but how it is that we come to understand the world. Like Bill Viola and James Turrell, I explore ideas of human consciousness by posing the question, 'What is it that you see?'

Katrin Maria Escay
MA Digital Arts