Miscellaneous Links
- Cspace - Article about William
Latham by Jim McClellen
- Genetic
Art from the Virtual World - Notes from a talk given by William
Latham at Wolverhampton Uiversity in April 1995
- Nemeton - The Shamen's Web site
including Computer Artworks imagery
- Organic
Shock - A
simple Shockwave movie (needs Shockwave plug-in). Watch
out for more ShockWave movies on this site in the
- Thames
and Hudson -
Look here for Escher interactive!
- Mark
Ayres -
Composer who has worked with William Latham on a number
of projects [New]
If you have any more
links that should be listed here then please send the URLs
to [no more links please]. They will be added as soon as
we have had a chance to 'vet' them!