Pollock - Autonomous Drawing Robot

Pollock is a self-contained drawing and exploring robot that was created by Sean Clark as part of his arts work and for use at Phoenix Code Club. It's a completely open project and costs less than £20 to build.
Pollock is based on the Low Cost Arduino compatible Drawing Robot on Instructables. The wheel and caster mounts are the same, but a larger chassis has fittings for the stepper motor boards that often come with low-cost mini stepper motors (removing the need for an additional Darlington chip), front and side holes for mounting additional sensors (such as the ultrasonic sensor currently used) and holes for slightly different battery holders. It currently supports a breadboard-mounted Arduino Nano, but as the project develops we expect to creating mounting holes for an Arduino Uno, Raspberry Pi Zero and Particle Photon PhoBot board.
During the early 2016 Code Club sessions we will be enhancing Pollock further - adding new sensors, writing new programs and experimenting with different drawing materials. We then plan to show off our work at a workshop at Phoenix during the Spark Children's Arts Festival in Leicester in May 2016. We also hope to run a couple of public workshops at Interact Labs for adults and older children interested in the project.
Make Your Own
Start by looking at the Low Cost Arduino Compatible Drawing Robot on Instructables. Pollock is based on this and the build instructions are pretty much the same at the moment. The main difference is the chassis. Download and 3D print the following parts:
- Ball bearing caster - thingiverse.com/thing:1052674
- Wheels (2) - thingiverse.com/thing:862438
- Stepper bracket (2) - thingiverse.com/thing:1053267
- Pen Holder / servo bracket - thingiverse.com/thing:1052725
- Pen Collar - thingiverse.com/thing:1053273
Then download and 3D print the Pollock chassis and other components:
- Pollock Chassis - thingiverse.com/thing:1281915
- Ultrasonic Sensor Holder - thingiverse.com/thing:1281037
You can then download the Arduino Code
- Arduino Code - github.com/seancuttlefish/Pollock
Now start customising your drawing robot and let us know what you get up to!