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Project Proposal

This is the starting point for my Digital Arts MA (2006 - 2008) at Camberwell College of Arts.

Research Question

How do I create audiovisual artworks that behave like autopoietic systems and exhibit emergent properties? I intend to explore this question through a series of gallery-based installations and Live Cinema performances.


I have practiced as a digital artist for a number of years, developing gallery-based and live work that makes use of interactive multi-layered video and multi-speaker sound (much of my work is documented at www.cuttlefish.org). Over a similar period of time I have been informally researching the field known as systems theory and its related concepts of emergence and autopoiesis.

During this MA research programme I aim to combine these two activities by making systems theory the central theme of my creative work. I plan to create artworks that are both inspired by systems thinking and exhibit many of the properties found in naturally occurring complex systems.

I want to create new digital artworks that are routed in a systems approach, one which regards the viewer, the artist, the artwork and it's environment as a unity in which each plays its part in maintaining the structure of the whole.


I will use the work of systems thinkers such Gregory Bateson, Fritjof Capra, Humberto Maturana, Francisco Varela and others to inform my practice and will try to identify other artists who have taken similar or related approaches to their work.

I do not intend to radically alter the form of my artwork. I therefore expect to produce gallery-based installations and live multimedia performances (Live Cinema and outside projections), most probably developed in Max/MSP/Jitter and involving multiple screens, lights and speakers and utilising a degree of interactivity via video cameras and other devices.

I have an interest in using the triptych form in a gallery-based piece, perhaps constructed through three interacting screens. I would also like to work with an ensemble of musicians in producing the live form of the work..


I have a requirement for a wide range of audiovisual technology - most of which I already have in my studio. The most important resource I need from the MA is a supportive, critical and challenging environment in which to develop my work. I would also like support in in persuing this research as part of a PhD once the MA is complete.