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Mon, 10 Mar 2008 12:00am

Event | Phoenix Digital Launch

Event | Phoenix Digital Launch

Friday saw the launch of the Phoenix Digital programme. Together with Tom Hall and Eric Rosoman, I was one of the artists whose work was being featured.

The event was very well attended and seemed to be equally well received. I was particularly pleased with the reception for my 'We Are Not Alone' piece (see above) which was being shown in the main auditorium. The piece overlays six time-delayed live video loops to create a highly-engaging interactive space. I was going to run the video loops on about a two minute delay, but in response to the space I decided to change this to just four seconds between each loop. This was a good move and encouraged much more interaction than I had been expecting. See some pictures from the piece on my Flickr page.

My ArtScanner and Anonymising Webcam pieces also worked well and will be fully documented at the end of the show. For now I'm now trying to promote ArtScanner (www.artscanner.org) as widely as possible to encourage involvement.

Author: Sean Clark