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Tue, 29 Nov 2005 12:00am

News | Podcast, Max/MSP Workshops, Crass Show

I thought I'd try to fit three things in to one blog posting today.

Firstly, I've updated the Cuttlefish AV podcast with a new video using the 'boats' footage I shot in Ireland last month. The music is a rehersal version of a Buoys track called 'Augusta'.

Secondly, this week and next I am running Max/MSP/Jitter workshops as part of the Radiator Festival. I think there are still some places available.

Finally, I will be doing my Crass Not For Sale show at Club Sporadic on the 3rd December at The Swan in Loughborough. Come along if you fancy seeing multimedia-anarcho-punk-thought-provoking madness.

Author: Sean Clark