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Microworld Cardiff 2

Mon, 26 May 2014

Microworld Cardiff 2

I'm just back from Cardiff setting up an artwork as part of Genetic Moo's latest Microworld event at Arcadecardiff in the Queens Arcade. The piece forms part of a collection of artworks that interact with each other as well as the visitors to the gallery. My piece is a tryptych of self-organising grids that swap colours with each other as well as incorporating new colours that is 'sees' in the gallery. The work develops over time, subtly reflecting the history of interactions in the space.

Other pieces on display include a collection of Genetic Moo's responsive, highly organic, images and systems; a piece by roboticist Sean Olsen; and works by interactive/digital artists Myles Leadbeatter, Banfield & Rees, Matthew Britten and others. The show is open to the public from the 26th May until 1st June 12pm until 6pm.

See the Facebook event page for detail of the special events that will be on during the week. I've uploaded an album of pictures from the show to Flickr.

Author: Sean Clark