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Microworld Arcadia in Cardiff

Mon, 27 May 2013

Microworld Arcadia in Cardiff

This weekend I joined Genetic Moo in Cardiff for their Microworld Arcadia exhibition. The show features work by multiple artists with the aim of creating a 'living' exhibition where the artworks interact with each other as well as the audience. My contribution was my Memory Mirror installation.

The show worked well, with many clear connections and interactions between the artworks. Mine was particularly influenced by Tine Bech's piece, which emitted bold colours that fed in to the Memory Mirror and led to equally bold interactive video.

The ideas within the show build on those we explored in the Symbiotic exhibition in Leicester last November. I'm in the process of writing up the 'theoretical' basis for the idea of 'interacting artworks' and look forward to sharing it soon.

See my pictures from the exhibition on Flickr and a couple of videos on YouTube. Well done to Genetic Moo for organising it so well. The exhibition runs until 2nd June 2013 - I'm sure other 'Microworlds' will follow.

Author: Sean Clark