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Electrickal Séances

Tue, 19 Feb 2013

Electrickal Séances

I received this flyer about a new series of events in Northampton. They look rather interesting:

Electrickal Séances
at the Legendary Labour Club,
Charles Street, Northampton NN1
(on the first Tuesday of each month)

March 5th 2013 Doors open at 7.00pm

At 7.30 - 8.30 pm we present
Rorschach Audio
A presentation and participatory event dedicated to sound and visual illusions from the author of Rorschach Audio (Strange Attractor Press).

At 9.00 - 10pm we present
Strange Attractor Vs. Disinformation
A Circuit-Blasting performance in darkness using contemporary & antique electrickal devices.

Entry £2
Featuring imaginary occurrence, aural happenings and casual electrocution

Author: Sean Clark