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Stephan Harding's Animate Earth Film

Tue, 13 Nov 2012

Stephan Harding's Animate Earth Film

On Friday night, as part of the Doc Film Festival, I organised a showing of Dr Stephan Harding's film Animate Earth (directed by Sally Angel) at the Phoenix Cinema in Leicester. A small, but very appreciative, audience was treated to this highly inspirational film and then a question and answer session with Stephan himself.

Animate Earth is a must read book and a must see film. It introduces Stephan Harding's work at Schumacher College and presents a view of the world that is essential if we are to combat the environmental issues facing us.

The film was very well received and stimulated a series of interesting questions. Many thanks to Stephan for joining us via Skype.

If you want to see the film then you can purchase it from the Animate Earth web site at The book is available here from Amazon.

Author: Sean Clark