Poems, Places & Soundscapes

Poems, Places & Soundscapes

Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 - Fri, 25 Apr 2014

Venue: Phoenix Cube

An international exhibition of digitally produced sound-&-poetry focusing on place, and soundscape. Poet Mark Goodwin and Brian Lewis (of Longbarrow Press) bring together and present a range of vivid, immersive sound-enhanced poetry made through various poet, musician and sound-designer collaborations, as well as by individual poet-sound-artists. The exhibition also includes a small selection of 'place-entranced' film-poems.

An open and informal panel discussion about sound-enhanced poetry and film-poem will take place on April 10th 2014, 6.30 pm, at The Phoenix.

This exhibition is part of Mark Goodwin's Sound-Enhanced Poetry project, which was awarded an Arts Council England Grants for the arts in 2013.


Tags: Archive, Phoenix, Phoenix Archive, Phoenix Cube