Flossie Leicester AppInventor Workshop 2/3

Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2014, 18:00 - 21:00

Venue: Phoenix Interact Labs

Want to learn how to create your own apps, in a creative and friendly environment? Come to the Interact Lab at Phoenix Digital Media Centre on Thursday 27th March, 3rd April, 10th April from 6-9pm. In this series of 3 evening workshops led by Emma Ashley-Liles you will learn to use AppInventor, creating your own apps with fast results. AppInventor is free so you will be able to continue your work after these first three sessions.

Participants will need to bring their own laptop, with Java installed. This can be done during the session, but it will take time away from app creating! The sessions are free and are exclusively for women, as part of the Flossie Leicester programme. If you would like to attend, please contact ssmith05@dmu.ac.uk.

About Flossie

In collaboration with Interact Labs, and supported by Flossie (Women and Open Source/Open Culture), the Institute of a Creative Technologies is inviting women to join the network Flossie Leicester. This is open to ALL curious women thinking about, working and creating with technologies and creating technologies in any area, practice or discipline, based in and around Leicester.

Tags: IOCT, Interact Labs, Phoenix