TDC Talk: Stroud Cornock
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013, 14:00
Venue: Queens Building, De Montfort University
The next Transdisciplinary Community (TDC) Seminar will be held at 2pm on Wedesday 18th December 2013, Room 0.11, ground floor, Queens Building (Mill Lane, Leicester LE2 7DR).
The seminar aims to circle back over attempts to harness ideas and technologies for creative purposes that took place at the ancestor of De Montfort university in the Sixties and Seventies. I want to ask whether we were successful in seeding the new forms of art and design that were envisioned? Novel ideas and new technologies can be seductive; looking back we see a number of bold experiments in art and design education, and several years of largely unfunded (sometimes officially unwelcome) research and development in the pursuit of new art forms. A focus for much of this work was a creative workshop that fostered students going into the wider creative industries - film, television, computing and design. The seminar will identify a cluster of projects, exhibitions, conferences, publications and performances that attracted international attention.
Stroud Cornock studied at the Royal College of Art, practising and exhibiting as a sculptor. In the 1960s he co-authored A Sculptor's Manual, established the Media Handling Area at Leicester, leading the team that represented Britain at the VI Paris Biennale. Served as a member of the Systems Group at The Open University, studied in the Department of Systems at Lancaster University and conducted research into student learning. Involved in the accreditation of the Polytechnic during the Eighties, and went on to lead a team responsible for the accreditation of public sector higher education in art, design, art history and performing arts across the UK.