Annie Cattrell / Conditions
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2010 - Mon, 26 Jul 2010
Venue: Phoenix Cube
DMU Cube and Screen Lounge
Annie Cattrell's work captures moments in time, clouds on a particular day, a breath inside a human lung. Her subjects stem from her interest in areas such as neuroscience, anatomy and meteorology and she is drawn to the fusion between science and art.
Using state-of-the-art technology such as topographical 'Lydar' laser scanning and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging body scanning techniques (FMRI scanning), Annie gains practical and conceptual insight into what is constantly experienced but not necessarily seen or noticed.
By transforming this data into art, Annie questions our perceptions of reality and reveals the subtle changes and transformations constantly happening within us and around us. Annie's exhibition features sculpture series 'Conditions' alongside a new work, produced specially for Phoenix Square.