Visual Poetry by Paula Whirrity

Produced in collaboration with Morag Eaton

Visual Poetry is poetry composed for the eye as well as, or more than for the ear. In the series 'In Intalics' I have identified five poems, one from each year since 1991, and issolated an extract which for me is the essential message. If, after viewing the extract you would like to see the completed work, click the accompanying thumbnail 'Italics in Context'.

This body of work is part of the practical element of a PHD Study at Manchester Metreopolitan University begun in September 1994. The programme aims to add to the understanding of how new technology may effect the communication potential of visual poetry. Phase one of the research invoves contacting and interviewing other Visual Poets to establish the influence of new technologies in the production and presentation of their work. If you are able to contribute to this study please fill out the questionaire Alternatively, if you would be interested in finding out more about the programme please contact me at or leave a message in the Visitors Book.

The poems were produced a Power Mac 6100 with Aldus Freehand made available at Mackworth Collage, Derby where I am employed as a lecturer in Graphic Design

In Italics February 24th1991

In Italics June 20th 1992

In Italics June 22nd1993

In Italics July 1994

In Italics January 15th 1995