"I'm so glad that you have found time to pay Hempton Manor a visit. I'm sure that you will find what we have on offer of interest. As you will soon discover, much of what is contained within his Web site is related to that most extraordinary of gift of nature - the humble Hemp plant.
"For 75 years Hemp has been
'demonised' by western governments to the point that simply
possessing it's leaves has become a criminal offence. Yet, throughout
most of history the true utility of Hemp has been without question.
As a manufacturing material, foodstuff, medicine - and yes,
recreational drug - Hemp was regarded as being without equal. Even
fairly recently - before the current prohibition - an interest in
Hemp was seen as highly respectable - patriotic even. American
presidents have been Hemp farmers, the industrialist Henry Ford was
an advocate, and it was - and still is - an inspiration for many
great artists and thinkers. This interest was such that it lead
Thomas Jefferson to say, 'Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth
and protection of the country'.
"While you explore Hempton Manor I ask only one thing - that you open your mind to the reality of the Hemp plant. If you agree with what you see then spread the word, and join me in my call to end the ban on Hemp. I say, 'set free the healing herb of tranquility and utility!'"
The Lord of Hempton