HCI'93 VR Exhibition: Perception & Action in Virtual Realities

Research in the Department of Psychology at the University of Edinburgh is in four areas:

A poster on each of the above will be displayed. Two 'desktop' interactive VR rigs will be running off one PC to demonstrate a distributed PC-hosted VR system, and illustrate some of the factors affecting control of movement in virtual environments.

The work is supported by a JCI/Cognitive Science (MRC) grant 'Perception & Action in Virtual Realities' and two associated grants (JCI/MRC, SERC) on movement control.


A close up of the Virtual Pilot controller.

A close up of the PC screen.

The Edinburgh demonstrator included a high-end PC, two monitors, some high speed graphics cards, and a Virtual Pilot controller. The demonstration allowed you to drive around a largish 'world'. Real time texture mapping made the images appear extremely realistic.

Contact Address

Simon Rushton and Martin Smyth, Dept. of Psychology, University of Edinburgh, 7 George Square, EDINBURGH, EH8 9JZ. E-mail: skr@uk.ac.edinburgh.festival