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"If I skip breakfast I can eat more later."
  • Skipping meals can lead to tiredness and headaches. Breakfast is especially important as the "fast" of the night needs to be broken in order to kick start the metabolism for the days activities.
  • If you don't eat your blood sugar level drops leading to poor memory, concentration and learning.
  • There is some evidence to suggest that a high energy breakfast can boost academic performance.
"The less calories I eat the quicker I'll lose weight."
  • A very low calorie diet (less than 600 calories a day) can be damaging to health. As well as being low in nutrients the body loses too much lean tissue as well as fat.
  • A diet too low in calories might achieve quick weight loss, but the chances of putting the weight back on again and more, are high. Adopting a healthier attitude to food in general has a higher chance of permanent success.
"I've been told not to eat too many crisps cos they're really bad for your teeth."
  • Food and drink with high sugar content is most commonly associated with tooth decay.
  • Other carbohydrates, especially cooked starches, eg crisps, may cause some damage to teeth but to a much lesser degree. This is because starch has to be broken down in to sugars in the mouth before fermentation can occur.
Epilepsy Link
Eating Disorders Association

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