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I have been lactose intolerant for four years, and this means that I have got like an allergy to all milk products.

So that means no ice cream or any yoghurt or even stuff like diet coke that has got things that upset my stomach.

I have got to have stuff like soya milk, but when you first taste soya milk its not very nice.
when I've eaten things with mil in them...
But now I have got so used to soya milk I don't like normal cows milk - for me drinking cow's milk is like drinking dead cow!

It hasn't really affected my life that much I just have to accept that if I drink milk or eat dairy products, then it makes me ill and you wouldn't want to be around me when I'm ill!

You have to have full biohazard suits when you are around me when I'm ill - I could be a chemical weapon when I have eaten things with milk in them!
More information on Lactose IntoleranceMore information on Lactose Intolerance
Epilepsy Link
Eating Disorders Association

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