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Physical Health
Mental Health


.. A drug is something that is addictive

.. A drug is a substance that changes the physical or psychological functioning of the body.

.. Drugs are illegal and legal.

.. Drugs affect everyone

.. They are classed in four categories, which are:


Taking drugs can lead to:


These are the different ways in which people use drugs:

Experimental - Early use of a substance, driven by curiosity.

Recreational - Occasional use of a substance to enhance enjoyment.

Habitual - Regular intermittent use of a substance over a period of a time.

Dependent - Frequent use of a substance driven by desire.

Some Effects of Illegal Drugs

Ecstasy - a rush feeling, a feeling of closeness to others with a great awareness of surroundings and sounds. Causes sickness, stiffness of arms and legs and clenching of the jaw muscles.

Aerosols - Fast effects are short lived, similar to getting drunk. Can feel light-headed and dizzy. Feel dreamy and have visions, sickness and drowsiness-as it wears off it may feel like a hangover. Some people lose consciousness and suffocation is a serious risk.

Long term use of glue products containing tolvene can damage body organs, people become psychologically dependent and sniff every day.

Heroin - Slows people down giving a feeling of warmth and detachment. Drowsiness and sedation, overdose is a real risk and can result in coma and death. It is very addictive; withdrawal can cause unpleasant symptoms. Injecting is the most dangerous way of taking it and can lead to damaged veins, gangrene, hepatitis and HIV especially if needles are shared.

LSD - Halucogenic, a 'trip' experienced, can not be stopped. Visual and sound distortions, intensified colours, changes in sense of time and place. Anxious and unpleasant feeling with a sense of paranoia. People think they are going mad, likely to happen if low and depressed. Accidents are more likely and flashbacks may occur.

Magic Mushrooms - effects are similar to a mild LSD experience. People laugh a lot. Causes stomach ache, nausea and sickness.

Cannabis - Messes up concentration, causes forgetfulness and slows down reaction times. It is dangerous to operate machinery. It damages lungs. Relaxes but some get anxious.

Crack/Cocaine - Chest and lung problems in the long term. Is addictive, can cause restlessness, anxiety and paranoia. Users feel alert, strong and confident. Snorting damages lining of the nose. If stopped people feel depressed, difficult to get users to seek help.
Positive Health
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