About The Site Contribute Web LinksPositive Health Positive Health
Physical Health
Mental Health
........ and Welcome to Positive Health - The website created by young people for young people discussing health issues and your feelings about the things that are happening to you.
The links to the left can be used to navigate around the site and get information about loads of issues, for example the relationships section can mean your relationship with your mum/dad or your boyfriend/girlfriend.
If you want to contribute anything you're welcome! You could add a picture, a story, some sound or your opinion or feelings to do with any health issue. Just click on the contribute button to see how you can add your stuff!

If you can't see the animation (top right!) you may need to download the FREE flash player to view everything in this site. It will come in handy for loads of other sites too!!!!
youth 2 youth
National Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Children

Site by cuttlefish.com

Part of the Charnwood Arts Web Archive