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written by James
HeartLove is special, Love is something that two people have and no force on this world or the next can destroy the love they have for each other it's so strong. Love conquers everything, even death.

Love is strong, Love is special, Love is everything.

If you read 1 Corinthians 13, the Bible understands love.

It says what is the most important.
You can also find more about love if you read Song of
Solomon 8: 6-7

(It maybe called Song of Songs if you can't find Song of Solomon).

A final quote from the film Moulin Rouge: "The greatest thing in life you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return."
LoveBelow are some other peoples opinion on what love is.
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"Love is something that two people share. It is something very special and they form a bond."
Love means never having to say your feet smell!
Love is an abstract thing - I mean, I love my cat and I love peanut butter, but when it's a person, how do I know I love them, except of course by feeling that I must tell them about all the special things in my life. I think that's love.
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