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Welcome to the BUzz BUs!
This is Charnwood's first mobile sk8n, BMX and roller blading bus which travels round villages in Charnwood.

Launched on April 16th 2003, the BUzz BUs provides a mobile sk8n facility which can be used by teenagers throughout the holidays.

To find out more about the BUzz BUs, watch this space!

Here's what some of the sk8ers had to say ...

What the Sk8ers had to say ...

Josh 14 - "The Buzz Bus is a great idea! It's great that it goes round to all the towns. You can do rollerblading, skating and BMX, and they are all good ways to keep fit rather than being in and watching telly!

"Buzz Bus is great for summer - we even have BBQs, music, and we just chill out with friends. It's really good" PJ - 15

Jason - 15 "It's very important to keep us off the streets so that people don't moan about us … areas have been specially designed in some villages and they work best"

Matt 13 - "It's better than sitting in front of the TV all day eating crisps. It keeps you fit and it's fun.It's also important as it keeps us fit and healthy and off drugs."

"The most exciting thing about extreme sports is having fun with your friends, socialising. And if you land a good trick you just feel really great!"

"Girls do Sk8 but mostly it's a lad's thing" - H, 14

Gaz 14 - " See the Mayor! That's really cool. She's going for it!"

You get very fit, especially on hot days coz you're rushing along all the time, and you want to get your jumps perfect.
So if you don't succeed at the first jump you try and try again - that keeps you really fit!"

"You have to stretch muscles to keep them warm, and try and do a warm up if it's really cold to avoid injury"

"There are great long term benefits for keeping fit and staying alert, but the downside is that it knackers your knees and ankles"

"Skateboarding and most extreme sports strengthen your thigh muscles"

"Most people wear denim if they've not got pads - I don't wear elbow pads as I try and roll into a fall instead of landing on my elbows"

Dave 15 - "An ollie is a jump when you take the skateboard with you. There's a lot of stress on the knees and ankles, and you have to try and roll into a jump rather than put pressure on one point"

"Skateboarding gives you a rush" - Jamie, 15

"It's not good to smoke or take drugs if you're a skateboarder" - Johnny 15

"Local people say we're the naughty ones but all we wanna do is skate!" - Aaron - 15

Josh 14 - "I like BMX. I think BMX is more interesting than skateboarding, but the ramps could be a bit bigger. They're a bit small for BMX! I like to take a few risks!"

"For skateboarding you need balance and balls!" - TJ, 16

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