Art.CHI 2017

Interactive Media Works

A CHI2017 Exhibition


Making People in Interactive Spaces

Simon Biggs, Sue Hawksley and Garth Paine

Crosstalk is a performance work involving speech, movement and the body. Two dancers' movement and speech are re-mediated within an augmented environment employing real-time motion tracking, voice recognition, interpretative and generative language systems, 3D projection and granular audio synthesis. The acquired speech, a description of an imagined dance, is re-written through projected digital display and sound synthesis, the performers causing texts to interact and recombine with one another through their subsequent compositional arrangement. What is written is affected by the dance whilst the emerging recombinant descriptions determine what is danced. The work questions and seeks insight into the relations between kinesthetic experience, memory, agency and language.

Crosstalk was developed while the artists were in residence at the Bundanon Trust, New South Wales, in 2013, and at the Art Museum of Arizona State University, in 2014.


Still from the performance at the Arizona State University Art Museum, Tempe, USA, 2014 (with Angel Crissman).


Simon Biggs
Visual Artist and Professor of Art, University of South Australia
Simon is a media artist, writer and curator with interests in digital poetics, interactive environments, interdisciplinary research and co-creation.

Sue Hawksley
Choreographer and Performer Researcher at Adelaide, South Australia
Sue is a dance artist, bodywork therapist and artistic director of articulate animal, an interdisciplinary performance company which undertakes collaborative projects focused upon movement, identity and territory. Her research critically examines concepts of embodiment through choreographic and somatic practices, philosophy, and mediation.

Garth Paine
Composer and Associate Professor, Arizona State University
Garth Paine is particularly fascinated with sound as an exhibitable object where the listener can spend time with the sonic artefact so that they feel truly present.