Art.CHI 2017

Interactive Media Works

A CHI2017 Exhibition

Avian Attractor

Depth image shot in Quetico Park / Superior National Forest Wilderness area merged with live viewer.

Avian Attractor is a sculptural projection mixing depth images of viewers with pre-captured ones of birds in natural and architectural environments. Depth footage is captured using emerging cameras repurposed from their initially intended applications as game controllers. Still somewhat unfixed, these cameras afford opportunities for artistic experimentation, revealing depth perspectives and viewpoints previously hard to record in the field. We developed a camera system to capture and project surface impressions of viewers, combining with urban birds and procedural agents that extend their flight paths and trajectories. Inspired by a feeder in a cold city, Avian Attractor is a hub or turning point for gesture, a hybrid place where post-human embodiment is explored and expanded.

Judith Doyle
Artist and Associate Professor of Integrated Media, OCAD University, Toronto